otrdiena, 2012. gada 3. jūlijs


The event with most positive emotions.
1st day. I didn't start well. Quite big mistake to 1st point. I was very lucky to get know where i am. Jēkabs started 2 minutes after me but i saw he in front of me when i checked at 3rd control. We made leg to 4th easy way, using a road, then we runt different routes to 5th. I made a mistake. No, i known where i am but i was unsure where i am. So i decided to ask to ~6 year old boy - where is his control? i didn't see his map good, but i runt just straight, then i get maa CP. I thought that mistake was too big. I asked Otto has he seen Jēkabs. He said: one minute ago. I was back in town ;D. i runt without mistakes and I was cached Jēkabs in a few CPs. Then we runt into karst terrain. I liked it and i was ahead him. Then I didn't see him until ~11th point. I made a small mistake. Then we both runt to finish. He won first day but i was 2nd and I was happy of that. (+2.01) Then I went to camp with maa team. After some hours i played that ball game what in LV is called "Potatoes" (Kartupeļi). I went to maa tent early because i wanted to make a good result in a 2nd day.

2nd day. But I didn't. I lost about 10 minutes in overall. I made stupid parallel mistakes. I was 3rd now even with maa bad start (9th in a day). I thought that i must took 3rd place in overall even if it was  'cause first two was 10 minutes ahead.  Then geocaching. I found 3 caches with maa club members. But of course best part of this was evening and night. I made a new friends and I spent a lot of time with people I know from Šilale. All was great. Ufo with band was a good jokers even if only LV people could understand him :D. I liked all parts when he changed song lyrics to orienteering theme.
Like 1) because we have controlpoints, controlpoints, controlpoints...
 or 2) In forest lives Auseklis (one of  LV o-clubs) - Yea, Yea Auseklis, It is not Auseklis, don't know what it really is.

Rain wasn't a problem for anyone. We played game until midnight. There was a situation in night when Irmantas got something. Now I am laughing about it because i can't imagine how surprised were his teammates.

 hah. idiots ;D (quote)

3rd day. Victory!
I went to start but there wasn't H2O so i went back to event centre where i spent a lot of time. Maa rivals should be quite surprised or even stressed 'cause they didn't saw me after start. (Two leaders started before me). I was ready and i came right on maa minute and i started. I made a little mistakes to 3rd and 4th. 5th was a hard leg but i saw super-route-choice. It was maa first big win. Jēkabs was lost. I said him the direction even if he was leader of maa group. Then i cached Aurimas. We made all last part of that distance. I met Dinārs (2nd after two days). He was like Jēkabs. Fair play - i said right direction to him too. I finished maa race with shoes like R.I.P. (broken). After some minutes Dinārs finished. He made victory in overall. Then we saw Jēkabs finishing. A trainer from Madona said an impossible thing: you could be ahead of Jēkabs. I didn't belive that until i saw the results. Valdemārs (fourth after 2 days) made a 2nd best result in last day so he lost me and lost 11 secs to Jēkabs.

So... 2nd place! +3min to Dinārs.
New compass (i really wanted to buy new :D) & cool cap
Really good.
Only latvians in EYOC could ran better!

So now i wish to go to Dzukija 2012!
How to get there? By bus? Help me :D

Best wishes to all!